California Jury Returns $2.5M Verdict Against County in Jail Death

On August 30th, 2017, a McKinleyville federal jury returned a $2.5 million verdict against Humboldt County for the death of Daren Borges, whose right to adequate medical care was held to be violated by three correctional officers who failed to have him medically evaluated despite the apparent and well-documented extremity of his methamphetamine intoxication, self-harming behavior and known history of schizophrenia.

The jury found that the County’s deficient customs and training directly caused Daren’s death by institutional negligence in the jail’s sobering cell. “It was abundantly clear that Daren was in dire need of medical assistance and these officers totally sidestepped their duty to care for him while he was in their custody,” said Dale Galipo, who represented Borges with NPAP member attorney John Fattahi.

There was no settlement offer from the County prior to the verdict.

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